Monday, August 17, 2009

Catching Up Is Hard To Do

So, I's been a while since my last writing. I was off experiencing the joy that is New York City. After the downer of a trip to Boston, I needed some time away - just to myself (and some close friends) to have some fun and forget about my troubles for a while. It did the trick, for a bit anyway.

I was pretty shaken up after leaving Boston. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be seeing the stone. But, like Jason's mom said to me..each step of this process we thought would be hard and we wouldn't be able to get through, but we did. And she's right. It was extremely difficult seeing his name on that stone, but I did it. I made it through.

I got a call today from a gal I worked with on a story about breast cancer research. The patient I profiled in the story is not doing well. The cancer has spread from her breast to the lymph nodes...and her prognosis is not good. My heart just sank when I heard that news. I wanted to call her right away, but we decided it best if I wait for a little while and then contact her just to check on her.

An hour later, I was emailing with a dear friend of mine from Reno whose step-father has been battling lymphoma. I knew things had taken a turn for the worse with him, but I didn't know how bad until today. She told me that they had begun Hospice care, and that Ray didn't expect to be here another two months. I actually lost my breath when I read that. I began the point someone had to run out of the room to get me water. While the news earlier about Joan was bad...this latest gem hit hard. Gina is someone I care very deeply for...and the fact that this is happening to her...just absolutely makes me SICK! This has GOT to stop.

I think part of the hit was the "two month" thing. I can tell you word for word what was said on March 20th when Jason and I were told he had two months to live. Two months. The words just echoed. I can tell you what I was wearing that day...what thoughts went through my head...what I said to Jason. I've replayed that day over in my head almost as much as the day he died. I just can't believe that it's happening to a friend of mine. I just don't believe it.

It's been a very emotional evening...a lot of bad memories...a lot of prayers. I'm not sure what to make out of all what happened today. I'm not even sure I'm supposed to make something out of it. What I do know is that I've been re-fueled in my fight against this piece of mother fucking shit known as cancer.

I hate you. I hate you so much it hurts sometimes. I have so much hatred for you in my body that I'm happy to say - there's no room in me for you. You won't get to take me...because I'm going to take you. No matter what you throw at me, I will not fall. I will not falter. I will stand strong against you, and you will be beaten. You will be destroyed.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Etched In Stone

Today's been nothing short of horrible. Seeing his name etched in such a formal manor...just tore me up. I barely made it out of the car and had started walking towards it when I started to cry. I touched it, so cold...and the tears continued to flow, harder now. I touched his name. I ran my fingers across it...hoping that it felt like him...but it didn't. Jason is gone.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Back In Boston

Hello from Boston... from the guest bedroom of Jason's parents house. Hello from less than a mile away from where my love is buried.

It's extremely weird to be back here...alone. The last time I was here, I was here with Jerrod and my mother. We had a job to do, and we did it. The time before that, I was here with Jason...laying with him in the very bed I lay in alone now.

Jane (Jason's mom) took me to the cemetery today after I arrived so I could say hello. I only took a few minutes there, as she was waiting in the car. The headstone is supposed to be put in tomorrow, and I plan on going over there to spend some alone time with him.

I thought about writing a letter to him and leaving it there...but when I was on the plane ready to write, I couldn't. Everything I wrote down didn't feel right. Then I wrote "There are no words to say." And that's true. There are no words. I can't put into words how I'm much I empty and alone I feel. There are simply no words. No words, except for "I love you."

Besides, I know that from where Jason is now...he can see into my heart. He knows what I'm thinking...what I'm feeling. I know that I can talk to him whenever and where ever I want. I don't have to be at his grave. But, there's something sacred about talking to him there. It's almost as if he's there in front of me listening to my every word - every thought... every emotion.

Ron (Jason's dad) said he's dreamt of Jason a lot in the last couple weeks. I told him that I wish I had been so lucky. I longed for the nights when Jason would come to me in my dreams. I pray for it every night before I go to bed. I wonder "Will this be the night when I get to see him again?" I have dreamt of him several times...and each time I wake up with a new sense of calm, and almost slight happiness.

I hope he comes to me tonight...I mean...if he's gonna come to his dad, I'm just downstairs, surely he'll come to me too. :)

Here's hoping.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Deleting Jason

It's been an interesting weekend. I was supposed to be taking some friends on the new boat, but the weather had other plans. Instead, I went to the Sprint store to purchase a new phone. My other one was on its death it was time to upgrade.

While standing at the counter, the Sprint man said he'd be able to transfer all of my pictures to the new phone. That didn't happen. Only a few of them moved. I lost several pictures of Jason. I didn't realize it until I was already out of the store, though...and by then my old phone had been cleared.

I also didn't realize until after it was all said and done that all my text messages from the old phone would disappear. I lost every single text message from Jason that I'd been holding onto. And yes, before you even ask if I ever read them...I did. I read them when I felt sad. I read them when I wanted to "hear from him". My heart leapt into my throat when I realized they were gone, but there was nothing I could do to get them back... just like him. I had to let them go...just like him.

Tonight, as I'm on the eve of the eve of my trip to Boston and New York, I was wanting to upload some new songs to Jason's iPod which I've now taken possession of. However, thanks to iTunes and iPod's super special security settings... for whatever reason, I can't add songs to the iPod. It kept asking me if I wanted to sync...which would completely erase everything on the iPod and add all of my stuff to it. Of course, I didn't want to do that... there are more than 1700 songs already on there. That includes the amazing "Stuart" playlist Jason created a short time before he died. Once again, I was faced with the question - delete Jason or don't. I didn't in this case. I don't want to let go of the "Stuart" playlist. I just can't. Losing the text messages was enough loss for me this weekend.

So anyway, I'm pretty much packed (a day early) for my trip. I fly to Boston on Tuesday to stay with Jason's parents for a couple days. I'll be visiting Jason, too, of course. Hopefully, the headstone will be put up before Tuesday. On Thursday, I'll make my way to New York to party it up with my childhood best friend, Michael for his birthday. Very much looking forward to that part of the trip.

I'll be sure to take lots of pictures.

Until next time...