Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another Month Passes

In just under one hour, it will be April 28th...marking 11 months since Jason was stolen from us by cancer.  It's hard to think that in just four more short weeks, we'll be marking the one-year anniversary at his graveside in the Boston area.  My how time flies.

It's been a busy month since my last entry.  I've worked a lot, I've gone out a lot... I've had fun a lot, and I've cried a lot.  It's been a pretty typical month, actually.  Hence why I haven't written much.  I suppose there was one big thing that happened.  On April 10th, I hosted a fundraiser, art show, & auction to raise money for Team Jason 2010.  We raised nearly $6,000 bring our year-to-date total to just under $8,000.  31% of our goal raised...69% left to go!

Time is starting to run together now.  I only know it's been 11 months because I know that next month marks 12.  But it's all starting to blur...which I guess is a good thing.  The more it blurs, the less I notice the date...the less I hurt.  This month, I didn't realize the 28th was approaching tomorrow until just a few hours ago.  I almost got away with treating the 28th just like any other day without Jason.

Instead, I'll be waking up early tomorrow to meet my friend Casey at Founders Plaza at DFW Airport - one of Jason's favorite places to go.  I've purchased a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a wonderful card (that's eerily exactly what I've been thinking) that I'll leave there at the Plaza.  I wrote a nice note inside the card, and will leave that with the flowers.  I hope someone finds it, reads it...and learns a little bit about love and how death & loss will never tear it apart.

Until next time --

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