Friday, October 16, 2009

From 0 to 10,000

Something amazing happened this morning.  TEAM JASON, the team I created for the Dallas Light the Night Walk, officially raised more than $10,000!  This morning, we crossed that amazing threshold with 2 days to spare (the walk is this Sunday). 

I am both humbled and completely blown away by the outpouring of love and support for this wonderful cause.  I was told yesterday that $500 helps support one family navigate their way through this awful disease.  Our $10,000 will help 20 families!  That is simply amazing, humbling, and inspiring!

What's also inspiring is how many people donated to our cause.  People I've never met.  People Jason never met.  More than a dozen people who donated to the team (some donating $100 or more) never met Jason. They've only heard about him through a mutual friend or colleague, but because of the awesome connection he had to that person, these people felt compelled to donate to his memory. To me, THAT is the mark of a truly remarkable man whose legacy will continue to live on not only in those who know and love him, but also in those who merely hear about him from others. That is a testament to how many lives Jason touched and how deep those connections ran. We should all strive to be more like that.

I just wanted to take a moment through this medium to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped make TEAM JASON the amazing success that it is.  No one did it alone.  It was a complete team effort, and everyone from those who donated to those who spread the word should be proud of their effort and proud to be a part of the wonderful way we're honoring the most wonderful man in my life. 

By the way - did I mention that TEAM JASON is the #1 fundraising team in DALLAS?!  WE'RE NUMBER ONE BABY!  How awesome is that!?

The walk is Sunday, and I'm so excited to be a part of it.  I'm so much looking forward to seeing everyone there, celebrating our accomplishment, but most of all...celebrating the man who brought us all together.

Until next time--

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