Sunday, November 8, 2009

Taking A Cue From A Soldier

This week, there was a great tragedy in the U.S.  An Army Major opened fire inside Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas killing 13 people and wounding nearly 40 others.  It's one of those stories that grips the nation, and I had the honor of being part of our stations live team coverage.  Friday, I was sent down to Fort Hood to field produce.

It was surreal being there on the post.  I met soldiers who were inside the room when the Major burst in and opened fire.  I met soldiers who pulled bodies out of there while the massacre continued.  I met soldiers who were the first on the scene, who held the Major's body.  24 hours before I was standing in front of them, they were faced with an unimaginable horror.

We had one thing in common, though.  We both have seen death up close and personal.  Granted though - the death I saw was certainly not violent.  But, what I found interesting was how they were handling it.  They are soldiers first and foremost.  Sure, they were shaken, tired, and weary, but that didn't stop them from being brave men and women...telling their stories over and over to countless media.  They didn't let what happen stop them from getting up the next morning, putting on that uniform, and reporting for duty.  To them, life must go on.  They must continue in the face of this great tragedy so that those lives lost would not be lost in vain.

When I took a step back from my work and looked at what I was seeing in front of me, I have to wonder if I was sent down there for a reason.  Did I need to see how they managed to pick themselves up so quickly and move on?  It was extremely uplifting and moving to see how they were handling all of this down there.  The Army wives, the soldiers themselves...hell, even the media!  It truly was an inspiration, and it really got me thinking about my life as it is now...and what I need to do to really get myself back on track after the massive derailment nearly six months ago.

To the soldiers and their families in Fort Hood, my thoughts and prayers are with you all... however, I have a feeling if any of you knew I was saying that, you'd tell me to turn those thoughts and prayers around on myself and turn it into something good in my life.  Funny, that's exactly what Jason told me to do time and time again before he died.  Maybe he was right.  Don't tell him I said that.  Even from the grave, I can feel him gloating.  LOL ;)

Until next time --

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