Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Back in Bean Town

Hello from Boston.  I'm finally over the excitement of my "mile high blog" from earlier.  It's the small things in life that bring the most pleasure.  LOL :)

Anyway, it was pretty much down to business after I landed.  I met up with Jason's dad, Ron, and headed for Hudson.  We had a pretty good chat on the drive in.  We talked about his work, my work, Jason...and we talked about my psychic/medium reading from a couple weeks ago.  Jane (Jason's mom) had filled him in on just a few points about it, so I gave a few more details.  I'm not sure he was entirely sold on it, but I'm vowing to continue working on him.  I think Jane really wants to do it, but won't without Ron.

So, after lunch, Ron and I drove to the cemetery to see Jason.  There's a beautiful blanket...or really a down comforter of snow on the ground.  There's about 8-10'' still covering parts of the area...including the cemetery.  So, we didn't get out of the car...as neither of us were wearing the correct footwear to go traipsing through 8'' of snow to get to the grave.  But, I was able to say hi and blow him a kiss before we drove away.

Once at the house, our work began.  We were charged with beginning the cleaning process and getting the house decorated for the upcoming Christmas Eve Neighborhood Bash they host every year.  Apparently everyone (including myself) protested that they were still planning to do it this year, but they didn't listen to anyone.  I'm starting to have a change of heart, though, and believe it might actually be a good idea.  We each had a few moments today while decorating the tree...something Jason loved to do (at his home...not his parents...they drove each other mad doing this stuff).  But, I think these moments NEED to happen in order for everyone to grasp the situation and deal with it.

So for the next day and a half, it will be party central around here.  Jason was usually home in time to do all of the cooking because he was quite the amazing chef.  So, this year, they've hired a caterer to do the job.  We'll be out getting the food, some more presents, and other odds and ends that will be needed (like booze...and lots of it).  I'm REALLY glad I'm here for them during this time.  I think this is going to help me a lot more than I thought it would...seeing them dealing with their grief head-on and what-not.  I think this is all a good step.

Until next time--

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